Spilling Over: Painting Color in the 1960s 

Whitney Museum of American Art, Nova York

por Julia
1 minuto(s)

Spilling Over: Painting Color in the 1960s gathers paintings from the 1960s and early 1970s that inventively use bold, saturated, and even hallucinatory color to activate perception. At the same historical moment, an emerging generation of artists of color and women explored color’s capacity to articulate new questions about perception, specifically its relation to race, gender, and the coding of space. The exhibition looks to the divergent ways color can be equally a formal problem and a political statement. Drawn entirely from the Whitney’s collection, Spilling Over includes important recently acquired works by Emma Amos and Kay WalkingStick, as well as paintings that entered the collection soon after they were made, by artists Ellsworth Kelly, Alvin Loving, Miriam Schapiro, and Frank Stella, among others.

Spilling Over: Painting Color in the 1960s
27/03/19; 10h-12h (para convidados)
Visitação: até Julho/19; todos os dias, 10h30-18h; sexta e sábado até 22h
Whitney Museum of American Art: 99 Gansevoort Street, Nova York. Ingressos: US$25.

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